Showing posts from 2011

Effective Allergy Solutions - 5 Ways To Effectively Manage Airborne Allergies

Being allergic to common indoor pollutants such as dust, dust mites, and pet dander can really take it toll on your physical and emotional health. Here are 5 not too hard ways to clear the air of the…

Avoiding Scent Allergies

Some of the most powerful parts of the holiday season are the smells... candles that fill a room with the fragrance of home baked goodies, or air fresheners that leave a room filled with the refreshi…

Ninety Percent of All Acknowledged Food Allergic Reactions Originate From These Foods

A food allergy can range from uncomfortable to dangerous. It is caused when a normally harmless substance causes our immune system to react in an inflammatory response usually on the skin or respirat…

Benefits of Salt Lamps

Salt lamps are natural ionizers; they purify the air in a room by charging the room with heavily negative ions. This process is purification is the same as houseplants, rain and sea air. The salt der…

3 Reasons You Should Try a Gluten-Free Diet

Gluten is a substance that is found in several grains, most commonly in wheat, that can wreak havoc on the digestive system and be at the root of many health issues. Even symptoms that you think may …

Sinus Infections, Symptoms and Treatments

Sinus infections can be painful enough to interfere with your daily activities, but the treatment options can be quite effective. Sinus infections can lead to a sore throat as a result of post-nasal …

Natural Allergy Relief - Squashing Allergies and Their Symptoms

Having allergies can be one of the most annoying conditions you can have the pleasure of being blessed with. Your head is clogged or nose is running a marathon, your eyes are watery or itchy and you …

The Common Allergy Symptoms

Do you think you may have had an allergic reaction? If you are reading this, I can safely assume that you think you may and that you are looking to affirm your suspicion. Some people think if they ca…
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